Saturday, January 17, 2015

POEM: Speak a new language so that the world will be made new.

Speak a new language so that the world will be made new.
Explore the oceans that roil within, coaxed by a moon
that rules over the dark that makes the roses bloom
- red and wild as your imagination.

Plant a flag, reclaim the land of Forgiveness as your own,
where you will throw your hands into the loam
you will track into your home,
spread to the carpets, walls, and settle on the shelves.

Over time, you will ask how Jesus raised the dead,
And I will kiss you and say, “This is how”.
Over time, you will ask how the hungry were fed
on six loaves and some fishes.

 I will bake warm bread with honey –
(The bread, as a symbol of a working life,
The honey to sweeten it.)  I will
feed you and say “Eat. This is how.”
Over time you will ask ,“How can life overcome death?”
and I will hold your tears in my old fingers and tell you

go and love another –  that is how. Let the dead bury the dead.
I will say, “Go walk toward the East, shield your eyes against your luminous lives. “
You are like the disciple who ask the Master how to attain the
Spiritual life and the Master replies: “Have you loved another

in the same way that the earth shakes,  the way it splits and swallows
everything?” To which the disciple replies, “No”, at which the
Master says: “Then try this first.”  I tell you now, try this first.
Speak a new language so that the world will be made new.

Become poets of your own lives and write
Verses that make God cry. Become verbs of love, &
Roll around in the adjectives of your life,
Make a mess, offer up a life for a chance to love the other.


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